Monday, December 8, 2008

make up your mind

Yesterday was a kind of of fun day because one of my room mates went home for the weekends early and im glad because it’s the one I don’t like so… yea I know I’m going to have fun like shit …… then all afternoon I was goofing around with my friends about dumb stuff I haven’t had a good laugh ever since I been here which in my case was really good….. but you know you have them ass holes who try and start shit and fuck up a good day the boys in are dorm threw cold ice water on my and my friends as we was taking a shower ( and no not in the same showers … we was spaced apart lol ) but yea they are so fucking dumb so what we did was we turn out the power in the build and the looks on there face when they couldn’t watch tv or play them game ass videos game lol it was funny… but yea that’s pretty much how my day was… BUT TODAYS QUESTION IS DO STRR8 BOYS LIKE TO PLAYING AROUND WITH GAY GUYS AS IF THEY WERE PLAYING WITH GIRLS ??????????

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